Last week, 20/20 Insight polled Iowans for Justice Not Politics and Justice at Stake. You can read the releases from the two organizations at the link above. The two groups oppose a movement by some members of the Iowa legislature to impeach four Iowa Supreme Court justices for their involvement with a ruling that legalized same sex marriage in the state in 2009.
Key findings from the 748 Iowa registered voters polled from January 8-12, 2011: Only 36% of Iowans support impeachment, and when read the Constitutional standard for impeachment, only 17% agree that a single ruling they disagree with rises to that standard. 63% say that a ruling they disagree with does not rise to the standard.
We also asked Iowa voters about a theoretical head-to-head between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney for President. We found Obama with a slight lead (41-37) with voters who are certain who they would support, and when leaners are included Obama and Romney are tied at 44.
Additionally, we asked Iowa voters if there was a chance they might participate in the Republican caucuses. 35% of voters say there is a chance, and among those that might caucus, "Not Certain" is the leader with 27%, followed closely by Mike Huckabee at 23% and Sarah Palin at 17. Mitt Romney (12), Tim Pawlenty (10) and Newt Gingrich (7) are in the hunt, and further back we found Mitch Daniels with 2% and Haley Barbour with less than 1%. We identified all of these candidates in the question by their title, which may explain why next-door neighbor Tim Pawlenty sees his support grow in comparison with recent polling that did not identify him as a former Minnesota Governor.
For full results, including crosstabs and a statement of methodology, please download the following files:
Frequencies and Statement of Methodology (PDF)
Full Crosstabs for Respondent Groups (PDF)
Statement of Methodology for this poll: